Leaders are crucial to maximizing engagement

Companies can be complex entities, with multiple levels and hierarchies. However, when it comes to determining whether employees will stay with a company, few things matter more than engagement with the person directly above them. This is why it's so crucial that companies effectively train their managers – it could determine the productivity and turnover

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UK Ministry of Justice goes Lean to drive innovation

In the United Kingdom, public spending budgets have declined and organizations are now dealing with a greater number of restrictions. However, according to Public Service, the Ministry of Justice is using Lean practices as a way to drive innovation and arrive at cost-efficient solutions. “This program provides a set of tools and techniques, supported by

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Better training is key to Lean transformation

Many companies, regardless of industry, are looking to integrate Lean mindsets and Kaizen tenets as a means of creating a more efficient company that is able to bolster productivity while spending less money. However, in order to achieve this transformation, Industry Week was quick to note that leaders must be willing to accept these changes

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Boost ROI with employee engagement

Businesses have frequently touted the anecdotal evidence of employee engagement. However, a BlessingWhite report puts some quantifiable numbers behind why it's so important to truly interact with employees and create a supportive work environment. For example, firms with a highly engaged workforce had total shareholder return that was 19 percent higher compared to other companies.

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Leveraging Lean thinking for accounting and finance

Applying Lean thinking to accounting and financing practices may not be easy, but it's certainly doable, explains Manufacturing Digital. As the source notes, the key is keeping track of the core tenet of Kaizen: The elimination of waste. From there, financial firms should also consider other facets, such as encouraging upper management involvement, providing employees

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