The main tenet of Lean centers around reduction of wasteful practices. In Lean manufacturing, this might mean cutting out a certain step in the production process. In other businesses, it could involve a better separation of responsibilities that results in more productivity. However, there are other ways of applying the Lean mindset. One trend many
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Let the power get to employees
“Don't let the power go to your head.” In one sense, that idiom warns against becoming conceited and developing an ego. However, taken in a business context, it also suggests companies shouldn't let all the power go to the top. Still, many businesses run operations from a top-down perspective, with meaningful changes coming down one
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An employee is only as good as the training program used to bring him or her up to speed – this can be said of anyone within a company, whether it's someone completely new to the job or a manager being promoted to a new position. Effective training initiatives help a company achieve a unanimous
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Lean manufacturing isn't the only way businesses can apply the principles of Kaizen. Continuous improvement is a way of thought, not specifically a checklist of activities that companies can perform to suddenly become Lean. Now, many software developers are adopting Lean principles to help improve workflow, CIO reports. The key is integrating a Kaizen train
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