Lean has different values for different companies

Kaizen embodies a variety of practices and philosophies. This enables a multitude of companies to achieve goals that are unique to them and their individual situations. That means two businesses looking to integrate Kaizen and Lean practices could be using them for entirely different purposes. The News-Journal Online writer Fatima Hussein recently observed the versatility

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Two ways to improve your work environment

There are a number of factors that determine the happiness and satisfaction of your workers. Pay rates, workload, stress at home and other factors can directly impact your employees' mental state, and by extension, their productivity. It's important to realize that there are many factors you can't control. For instance, you can't change the fact

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A proactive company is a sustainable one

What makes for a successful company? Some entrepreneurs might say innovation, others the ability to make consistent profits. Others still may suggest cut-throat leadership. While any one of those could be true, Sustainable Plant suggests a new standard for success may be sustainability. As the news source notes, sustainable initiatives have been linked to outstanding

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Ethiopian Sugar Corporation invests in Kaizen practices

The Ethiopian Sugar Corporation, a sugar industry company started in the 1950s by foreign investors and the Ethiopian government, recently decided to deploy Kaizen methodologies and practices. The organization hopes to take the philosophy of continuous improvement and apply this to its processes and technology to bolster product quality and productivity. Additionally, the Ethiopian Sugar

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Lean healthcare is slowly maturing amid increased adoption

Lean manufacturing is a very old set of philosophies and mindsets, dating back to World War II-era Japan. However, it has traditionally been relegated to manufacturing-related businesses, such as automakers or furniture factories. It wasn't until more recently that business leaders began deploying these practices in other fields, which gave rise to approaches such as

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Growing success with Lean practices

Government agencies in Bangladesh are taking advantage of the Japanese concept of Kaizen to improve the quality of services by civil servants and other activities in the region. Since the Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC) integrated Kaizen and total quality management (TQM) five years ago, there have been several notable changes in the way

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Salem Health undergoes Lean transformation

Salem Health, a hospital based out of Salem, Oregon, is a massive organization with multiple locations. With each clinic seeing more people as the American population ages and requires more care, the healthcare firm realized it would need to streamline operations. After deciding the collaborative nature of Kaizen and Lean healthcare would be the best

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Fitting analytics into a Kaizen framework

Although there are a number of strategies businesses can use to improve their financial positions, perhaps the one consistent method is the improvement of productivity. An active company that is constantly producing products and maintaining services will more times than not end up being successful. So how can businesses maximize their productivity? According to a

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