When you look at rows of products at grocery stores, malls or any other retail setting, there are dozens of items competing for your attention. What catches your attention, and how can you make your packing compete in the competitive retail shelf space?
Packaging design is an important concept for any business that creates a physical product which is sold on store shelves. It's not just an aesthetic matter either, packaging can affect the longevity of the product inside and how it's shipped and stored can also impact product quality. While creating a quality product is always important, so too is the design of the packaging around it.
For businesses, the rules of Kaizen can also be applied to package design. The goal is to create this packaging in an efficient manner, while also designing materials that will bring value to the product itself.
Lean package design
Aesthetically, businesses should observe the Kaizen concept of waste removal. Product packaging has a tendency to go overboard with images, colors and information. Some of this material is required by law, but in many instances, it's just the manufacturer going overboard in an attempt to appeal to buyers. By removing waste, product manufacturers can make a cleaner, more appealing label and packaging carton.
Switching to production of packing material, more traditional Lean mindsets can be implemented. For example, the materials being used could be overly expensive – are there any substitutes that could be used instead without sacrificing overall quality? Or in the manufacturing process, could wasteful practices be eliminated to improve efficiency and time to market?
Finally, continuous improvement should always be practiced in regards to packaging design. Businesses must always remember there are different ways for engaging and attracting customers, what works one day may fall out of prominence the next. Even stable companies should always upgrade their product packages to reach new audiences or attempt to recreate their brand.
Packing design is an important part of any product, and by utilizing Lean and Kaizen practices, businesses can ensure they are producing a cost-efficient and eye-catching product. Kaizen has a variety of uses, from product concept and design to the creation of the packing that contains it.