What VSM brings to the healthcare table


Running healthcare organizations is no easy task. Everyone from doctors to secretaries frequently needs to juggle a variety of tasks at any given moment. At major hospitals, the chaos of everyday operations is even more apparent. Busy waiting rooms, unhappy patients and stressed staff are common occurrences due to the pace of work at these

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Learning Lean healthcare with technology

The healthcare industry is going through some massive changes, spearheaded by the recent drive to convert paper files into digital electronic health records (EHRs). Participating hospitals and clinics can receive upward of $40,000 for making the transition, which is expected to improve collaboration between physicians, reduce the number of mistakes made, bolster the quality of

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Canadian hospital taps Kaizen to overcome challenges

Ross Memorial Hospital, a healthcare organization based out of Ontario, Canada, had a problem. While it was effectively managing both high- and low-risk patients in the emergency room, those with mid-level injuries (such as bone fractures, kidney stones and serious cuts) tended to wait longer for care. For any healthcare agency, delivering high-quality, fast care

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How ThedaCare successfully integrated Lean

ThedaCare, a community health system based in Wisconsin, faced the same challenges that other organizations in the sector have encountered in recent years – new regulations, an influx of new patients, aging patients who require more care and rising costs, among others. To deal with the situation, ThedaCare opted to turn to Lean healthcare. For

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Lean healthcare is slowly maturing amid increased adoption

Lean manufacturing is a very old set of philosophies and mindsets, dating back to World War II-era Japan. However, it has traditionally been relegated to manufacturing-related businesses, such as automakers or furniture factories. It wasn't until more recently that business leaders began deploying these practices in other fields, which gave rise to approaches such as

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Salem Health undergoes Lean transformation

Salem Health, a hospital based out of Salem, Oregon, is a massive organization with multiple locations. With each clinic seeing more people as the American population ages and requires more care, the healthcare firm realized it would need to streamline operations. After deciding the collaborative nature of Kaizen and Lean healthcare would be the best

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