At the heart of Kaizen is the focus on efficiency. By improving various workplace operations and eliminating any excess wastes, companies will be able to bolster their productivity, regardless of which industry they serve. As such, business owners need to be able to realize the best ways available for them to streamline work within their
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Online training is an investment – treat it as such
So much of employee success is built on the training workers are provided. Whether they are new recruits or are simply promoted to new positions, they need to be given the necessary tools to do their jobs effectively, and comprehensive training programs are key to that. When businesses treat training as an annoyance that slows
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There are a number of factors that determine the happiness and satisfaction of your workers. Pay rates, workload, stress at home and other factors can directly impact your employees' mental state, and by extension, their productivity. It's important to realize that there are many factors you can't control. For instance, you can't change the fact
Continue reading »Growing success with Lean practices
Government agencies in Bangladesh are taking advantage of the Japanese concept of Kaizen to improve the quality of services by civil servants and other activities in the region. Since the Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC) integrated Kaizen and total quality management (TQM) five years ago, there have been several notable changes in the way
Continue reading »Making emotional connections with those who matter the most: your employees
Businesses often pay special attention to interactions with clients and customers. In fact, many companies have a function related specifically to that task – customer relationship management. Organizations spend thousands of man hours and significant portions of their budget trying to improve the way they deal with customers. However, it's crucial that customers aren't the
Continue reading »When launching online training, establish specific objectives first
The broad objective of training employees is always pretty clear: help them develop new skills and improve existing knowledge. However, it's crucial that businesses dig deeper than these surface-level objectives when developing and implementing online training initiatives. By having specific goals, companies will be better able to tailor informative and valuable sessions and programs. For
Continue reading »Using technology to buoy continuous improvement
When you look at any company with productivity and efficiency issues, bloated operations and procedures tend to be at the core of the problems. Inefficient policies and workflows will hinder any company. Regardless of whether they are affecting production lines at a manufacturer or communication channels in an office environment, waste and redundancy are often
Continue reading »Execution is key with online training
The creation of modules and other content is only one part of designing an effective online training course – equally important is how training is delivered or conducted. It doesn't matter how well the course is designed, if companies can't set the right mood, trainees will have difficulty concentrating and completing the curriculum. When executing
Continue reading »Measuring engagement: How you can get a better feel for employees
At a time when finances are tough and many companies are striving for efficiency, employee engagement has become especially prevalent. Many businesses no longer have the ability to offer regular pay raises and other benefits because they simply don't have the required resources. One way they are trying to make up for that is by
Continue reading »Instilling interactivity in online training
Much of the web is conveyed through text. Reports, websites, news articles, message board posts, social media status updates – these are all text-based communication mediums. Text is an extremely effective and direct way to convey information and has low production values, which makes it the ideal communication tool in many scenarios. However, plain text
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