Consumers prefer green companies

Reputation is everything when it comes to winning business from customers. How prospects perceive your company is crucial – having positive word-of-mouth surrounding your brands and products can swing customers who are on the fence into your favor. Conversely, negative buzz may discourage leads from taking action on your products and services.

One way companies are winning new customers is by going green. A survey from Tandberg suggests that approximately half of global consumers (53 percent) prefer to purchase goods and services from brands with a strong environmental reputation, leading many businesses to consider ways of becoming more eco-friendly.

“In addition to the ethical reasons for 'going green,' there is a tremendous incentive for companies across the globe to focus efforts on environmental responsibility to attract customers, recruit and retain strong talent, and positively affect their external brand perception,” Tandberg CEO Fredrik Halvorsen explained.

For many companies, Lean methodologies help to achieve this goal. Kaizen is all about the elimination of waste, and while it's typically applied in a way that reduces valueless activities, it can also be leveraged to get rid of wasteful byproducts that pollute the environment. Businesses looking to use Lean to go green should contact Enna to receive training.