Execution is key with online training

The creation of modules and other content is only one part of designing an effective online training course – equally important is how training is delivered or conducted. It doesn't matter how well the course is designed, if companies can't set the right mood, trainees will have difficulty concentrating and completing the curriculum.

When executing training initiatives, Netcentric Campaigns urges businesses to keep the following four pieces of advice in mind:

1. Timing is everything

Time is a valuable commodity, and no company wants to have employees wasting time in front of computer. This can lead businesses to try to cram all training into a single day.

However, sticking employees in front of a computer for more than an hour at a time can be counterproductive, as the longer a session is, the less workers are likely to retain. Modules should be divided into parts that can fit one-hour time frames, with activities following afterward. Give employees breaks to maximize retention.

2. Outline sessions

When people know what to expect, they can pace themselves as they work their way through the content. Before the training session begins, outline what the module will cover and how long it should take. This ensures employees won't blaze through the session in half the time allotted or spend too long on certain exercises.

3. Establish the mood

Even though trainees are on the computer and may be watching videos or playing games, it's important for businesses to establish that training sessions are indeed work. Whether employees are engaging in online modules or discussing sessions afterward, it's important that businesses maintain a professional mood and atmosphere.

4. Plan well

Online training relies heavily on technology to succeed. Unfortunately, technology isn't perfect. Nothing can set back operations more than trying to launch a training exercise only to be met with technical limitations.

Businesses should always be prepared. Have technical staff nearby who can help get courses back in line. If sessions aren't happening in the office, then companies should have the ability to provide remote assistance to employees as well.

Online training is a two-step process involving content creation and execution. By remembering the importance of timing, outlining, setting the mood and planning in advance, businesses can be sure they are executing successful training courses.