When it comes to business, it matters very little how organizations leverage the greatest technology or get rock-bottom prices for their resources if their employees aren't willing or able to take advantage of these perks. Skillful employees remain the backbone of any established company, which is why firms need to develop strong training programs that can nurture and foster development.
General Electric became one of the world's most successful companies precisely because it developed a training initiative that not only engaged employees but also made them better at their jobs. The organization has a strong hire-from-within policy as well, which shows the value of internal training, the Sunday Times asserts.
“How GE harnesses its human resources to be one of the most competitive enterprises on Earth can be broadly divided into two areas,” the news source adds. “First of these areas is the 'training and development' of GE’s talent. Generally GE attracts the brightest of talent for their entry levels (roles).”
Employee engagement is one of the core tenets of Kaizen, as it maximizes production from workers and creates companies that are more Lean.