PDCA applied to marketing and lead generation

Plan-Do-Check-Adjust (PDCA) is a traditional Kaizen continuous improvement method that aims to maximize efficiency by repeatedly monitoring performance and then making the required alterations to boost the activity.

Lead nurturing and generation is by default an act of PDCA. When companies first come to market with their products, they often only have a vague idea of who their audience is, what their targeted demographic's problems are and how their products can fix these issues. However, over time, PCDA enables them to identify and define customer personas (Plan), create campaigns tailored to them (Do), monitor results such as website traffic and incoming calls (Check) and improve campaigns for the future (Adjust).

“By executing a lead nurturing campaign in a structured, repeatable way, we can make the entire inbound marketing process more efficient and amenable to further analysis for purposes of continuous improvement,” explains Business 2 Community.

Lean can be applied in variety of ways at any business. Ultimately, the degree of success that companies have using the initiative is ultimately a matter of how well they can identify wasteful processes.