Plant and shrubbery nurseries realize Lean benefits

Much like any other sector, the plant nursery industry was hit hard by the economic recession. However, unlike manufacturing, simply scaling back production isn't an option – caretakers need to grow better at doing more with less.

This is precisely why many nurseries are integrating Lean methodologies and practices, as it enables them to save time and money while boosting efficiency. In fact, several industry trade groups – such as the Oregon Association of Nurseries – have even launched Lean education initiatives to help teach caretakers how to integrate the strategy into their business.

“When you have a down economy, you need to be able to do the same amount of work,” Steve Gold, the owner of Gold Hill Nursery in Hillsboro, Oregon, told the Capital Press. “We still have to take care of those plants whether we sell them or not.”

Kazien is finding use in a variety of non-traditional industries, ranging from software production to healthcare, so it's crucial businesses seriously consider whether they can use the strategy to improve their operations.