$229.99 $59.99
$229.99 $59.99
5S was one of the first tools of Kaizen to be popularized in the Western World because it is such a powerful methodology. However there is much more to be known about 5S than most people realize, and this greater understanding leads to work that is easier, safer, and more enjoyable for everyone involved. This DVD consists of 11 videos with a total running time of 36:21.
Courses Included:
Course 3 – Long Term Success Factors for 5S (2 Videos)
Beginning your 5S implementation is often easy, but keeping the program running strong within your organization is much trickier. This course gives you some advice and methods to you in order to keep your commitment to the 5S process going strong after the initial implementation. It also covers ways you can use 5S as a springboard to begin changing your workplace culture as a whole.
Course 4 – How to – Implementing 5S Activities (8 Videos)
This course provides a step-by-step breakdown of how to fully implement your own customized 5S program. Each phase is broken into simple directions, ideas, and advice on making your 5S implementation a resounding success. Whether it is setting up a Red Tag room or displaying information on a 5S Board, this course has the expertise you need to create and maintain a world-class 5S program.
Course Supplement – The Importance of a Visual Work Environment
Outlining the importance of a visual workplace, this course provides an overview of tools and methods that can be used to create a more visually communicative work environment. This course illustrates how you can use visual displays to change your workplace culture and improve employee communication.
Number of Videos – 11
Running length – 36:21
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