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Rebirth of American Industry – A Study of Lean Management


Rebirth of American Industry – A Study of Lean Management


SKU: 904.

Category: Lean Books / 

Rebirth of American Industry: A Study of Lean Management

There is a certain sadness as we read of the bankruptcy of Delphi Corporation, and the losses and downsizing of General Motors and Ford. GM and Ford were the world leaders in automobile manufacturing; the richest companies in the world. What happened? Could it have been prevented? And have they, and we, learned a very important lesson that will prevent the repetition of past mistakes? The very purpose of this book is to examine what principle things went wrong, and to give modern managers specific guidelines to consider in today’s context in order to be internationally competitive.

Rebirth of American Industry: A Study of Lean Managementtraces the evolution of manufacturing management along two lines: that pioneered by Henry Ford, then furthered by Toyota to its modern level of success, versus that which originated from Alfred Sloan and others at General Motors that is still in practice in most American companies today. The latter system of management proves to be the underlying cause of the current failure of American manufacturing to compete.

  • ISBN: 978-0971243637
  • Pages: 304


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