Three core benefits of online training

Lean Kaizen Online Training

Internet speeds have improved dramatically over the past decade. At the same time, computer technology has grown more powerful, enabling people to access the web from even small mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. As such, many businesses have been taking advantage of the internet and new technologies to revolutionize the way they operate.

Training and onboarding are tasks that companies can now do through the internet. Whether organizations are trying to teach complicated business processes and practices or simply getting new employees up to speed, online training programs are often convenient, affordable and fun ways to learn.

1. Convenience: In the traditional business world, companies would have to set up specific times to launch training initiatives. They would need managers to block out availabilities and coordinate with employees to determine the best time for training. In some cases, specific training spaces and speakers would also need to be hired.

With online training, the program only needs to be created once, but can be used repeatedly (although effective initiatives are updated consistently). Then, employees can use the programs when it’s convenient for them and managers can focus their time on other business-critical operations.

2. Cost: Renting a training space, hiring an expert, sending employees to training centers, setting apart time for management and leaders to oversee training sessions – this all costs money. Whether it’s a direct cost (hiring a speaker) or an indirect cost (occupying managers’ time), the fact of the matter is that training is a necessary expense that every business deals with.

Citing research from Training Magazine, Smart Biz notes that switching to an online format can save businesses between 50 percent and 70 percent of their training expenses. For businesses looking to stretch their budgets, online training can represent significant operational savings.

3. Fun: The internet is a robust delivery channel, and training programs taking place on the web offer a significant amount of variety. Online training programs can involve video, text, sound, quizzes and exercises and even web-based communities.

It’s a known fact that no two people learn alike – some are visual people, others are auditory. Online training enables companies to deliver education in a way that appeals to multiple types of learners. In the long run, this makes web-based training more enjoyable and engaging.